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Scopri il Museo del vino e del commercio di Bordeaux

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Un tuffo nella storia…

.. Per scoprire la città di Bordeaux, il suo porto e i suoi vini, nell’atmosfera unica di una tipica casa di commercianti del XVIII secolo.  Concludete la vostra visita con una degustazione di vini affidata a uno dei nostri esperti che vi svelerà i segreti dei vigneti di Bordeaux.

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Volete sapere tutto sul vino? I nostri workshop di enologia vi daranno gli strumenti per accedere a questo mondo affascinante e vi renderanno degustatori consapevoli!

Le attività del museo

Musica, dopolavoro, degustazioni, incontri con i viticoltori… Non perdete nessuno degli eventi del nostro calendario culturale, che cambia a seconda delle stagioni.

I vostri eventi

L"Il Museo del Vino e del Commercio vi offre l'opportunità di prenotare un luogo esclusivo per i vostri eventi: seminari, compleanni, serate enologiche, inaugurazioni, ecc. Affidatevi al nostro team per rendere il vostro evento indimenticabile.

Museo del Vino e del Commercio
41 rue Borie
33000 Bordeaux

Tram B, fermata « Chartrons »
Tram C, fermata « Camille Godard » 
Aperto da lunedì a domenica
dalle 10.00 alle 18.00

05 56 90 19 13

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21. Juillet, 2024.
A disappointment The museum is located in the Charton area of Bordeaux with good public transportation by tram. The building was earlier used by wine merchants and the history of the area is actually quite interesting. Admission is EUR 10, holders of the Bordeaux City Pass EUR 5, and included is a tasting of two wines. It is a traditional museum with several historical exhibits and the tour is self guided. Texts are in French, but English texts are available at the desk. We visited around lunch time on a day with few visitors and the staff seemed rather uninspired. After our tour we wanted to do the tasting, but apparently no one were able to perform this, so we decided to leave without it which was a disappointment.
Virginia P
Virginia P
25. Juin, 2024.
interesting experience of Bordeaux vineyards and wine history Many had recommended this museum as a must-see activity here in Bordeaux, so my friends and I popped in to see what it was all about. They welcomed us cordially, explaining the progress of the visit, letting us choose the type of guide, whether audio or paper and the amount of wines to taste, if two or three, in both cases there are many language options. We then started the visit in the first most historic quarry where the history of Bordeaux trade and port is told, and then continued to the second more technical quarry, where the process of wine production and sale is explained. These quarries were initially cellars, in fact the whole place was transformed into a museum so that it was useful to preserve the history not only of the neighborhood but of the city and all the wine production of the region. At the end of the visit we did the tasting, which I found very interesting as it helped us to better understand what we tasted next, in fact it gave us the opportunity to deepen our knowledge about Bordeaux vineyards. At the end we took a tour of the boutique where all the products and objects related to wines and oenology are available. This was my experience, I must say it fully met my expectations both with regard to the availability of people, both for the structure of the museum. If you happen to be in Bordeaux you cannot miss this museum, as it is an important symbol of Bordeaux history and culture, especially if you are passionate about wines!
Gaia M
Gaia M
25. Juin, 2024.
Fantastic experience to learn about the history of the wine trade and their production. SUPER CONSIGLIATA!!! My group of friends and I came to Bordeaux for a holiday, and one day we came across this museum where for only 5€ (being students) we could visit two historic quarries turned into a museum and have a tasting of 2 typical Bordeaux wines accompanied by a detailed and interesting explanation of the Bordeaux vineyards. The museum is not big but the story it tells, through the paper or audio guides provided (in many languages, including Italian) by the museum, is very fascinating. The people who work in this place are very friendly, prepared and try to offer a best possible experience to us visitors. So Italians if you come to visit Bordeaux you can not miss a stop at the Museum of Wine and Trade!
Jan Ove T
Jan Ove T
11. Juin, 2024.
Wine tasting with history Good explanation of various wines from the area and the district. Great premises, lots of nice old equipment and a perfectly good guide system with wifi on your mobile in many languages. Expensive in the store
5. Juin, 2024.
Good Tour & Wine Tasting Session Even though this museum is quite small I found the audio guide much better than the one in Le Cite Du Vin. The Wine tasting session was also much better than Le Cite Du Vin as it was explained quite well by the resident expert. Entry is covered by Bordeaux City Pass
William F
William F
2. Juin, 2024.
I dont understand the allure. I dont understand the attraction here. Its two 50 yard wine cellar rooms with a nice audio guide of a bunch of small relics about wine. For me, it was so musty and stale, I was sneezing the entire time. There is a wine tasting associated with it, but I opted out since the person pouring was coughing no stop as I waited. Its definitely not friendly for children.
15. Mai, 2024.
An amazing hidden gem! Worth your time, even if you already think you know wine. You'll learn more. We enjoyed this little museum immensely! Worth the trip. It's a self-guided tour through the cellar with interesting artifacts and information about the history and craftmanship of winemaking in Bordeaux. The staff also gave a very interesting tasting lesson. Highly recommend taking the hour or so to visit this museum.
14. Mai, 2024.
Fantastic small intro to Bordeaux Near hotel and gets good reviews so visited. €10 for self tour and taste of 2 wine €15 for 3 wines. We’ll set up and a great introduction to Bordeaux wine. Tasting very informative and 2 nice wines. Small shop selling large wi r range and accessories
6. Mai, 2024.
Well Worth the Time! Excellent Historical Review of the Bordeaux Wine Trade. The history information dated back over 500+ years ago. It was a self guided tour with the option of an audio guide with your smart phone or a printed book. You walk through at your own pace and it is easy to go forward or back with the audio version. The museum is located the historical building from the 12th century. Wine tasting was average but very pleasant lady who gave the presentation. Well worth the admission cost.
5. Mai, 2024.
Charming experience Three of us (as part of a group of ten) visited the Bordeaux Wine and Trade Museum. Mary Chantal Leboucq, who helped found the museum, provided us with a tour. Her commentary was educational, and her wonderful sense of humor made the experience entertaining as well. Mary has loved wine, wine making, and the wine business for a long time. She says her grandfather would claim that she had been born in a wine barrel. After walking through the exhibits, we were treated to an informative wine tasting – again with lots of humor. The tour ended in the museum’s gift shop, with its wines and many wine-related items.

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